All Saints Public School

All Saints Public School is an all-in-one digital platform that facilitates efficient school teacher-student management, offering seamless communication, class scheduling, grade tracking, and assignment management to enhance the online learning experience and streamline administrative tasks for educational institutions

Safety and Security

(1)Emergency exits, fire extinguishers, first aid stations, etc.

(2)Security measures such as CCTV cameras, security personnel, and access control systems.
(i).Emergency Exits and Procedures: Discuss the location of emergency exits, evacuation plans, and procedures to be followed in case of emergencies such as fires or earthquakes.

(ii).Fire Safety Equipment: Describe the availability and placement of fire extinguishers, fire alarms, smoke detectors, and any other fire safety equipment installed throughout the school.

(iii).First Aid Stations: Provide information about the designated first aid stations or rooms in the school, equipped with necessary medical supplies and staffed by trained personnel.

(iv).Security Measures: Discuss security measures implemented to ensure the safety of students, staff, and visitors, including the use of    CCTV cameras, security personnel, and access control systems.


Smart digitel School

The Featur Of Saints Public School

User Authentication and Profiles: Provide secure login and registration functionality for students, teachers, and parents. Enable users to create profiles with personal information, preferences, and roles (student, teacher, parent).
Course Management: Offer a catalog of available courses with detailed descriptions, objectives, and prerequisites. Allow users to enroll in courses, view their schedule, and access course materials such as lectures, assignments, and readings.
Assignment Submission and Grading: Allow students to submit assignments digitally through the app. Enable teachers to review, grade, and provide feedback on assignments within the app interface.
Live Classes and Recordings:Facilitate live streaming of classes or lectures directly within the app. Store recordings of live sessions for students to access later, especially if they miss the live class.
Attendance Tracking:Enable teachers to take attendance digitally during live classes or mark attendance for recorded sessions. Provide attendance reports for teachers and administrators to monitor student participation and engagement.


All Saints Public School's virtual laboratories are cutting-edge digital spaces that replicate the traditional laboratory experience in a remote learning setting. Through these advanced laboratories, students can engage in hands-on experiments, simulations, and data analysis, gaining practical knowledge and honing their scientific skills from anywhere with an internet connection.


The library at All Saints Public School is a digital repository of knowledge and learning resources, curated to cater to the diverse educational needs of students, teachers, and researchers. It provides a vast collection of e-books, academic journals, research papers, multimedia content, and other reference materials that can be accessed conveniently from any device with an internet connection.

  • Visual learning, animated multimedia lessons
  • Quick and immersive learning
  • Progressive improvement in core student learning
  • High Overall School performance
  • Student assessment and evaluation
  • Report cards